diumenge, 1 de setembre del 2013

Suzanne (Segadora)

Aquest poema és en anglès perquè el vaig escriure a la mort d'una companya de feina, una professora que un dia va dir "quantes més llengües aprenc, més m'agrada la meva". Per això a la seva mort inesperada vaig fer l'esforç de escriure en la llengua que amava i que a tants alumnes va ensenyar.


Here I am...
putting the pen on the paper
to write, in the language
that she loved so much,
a farewell to Suzanne.

The language that was her own,
the language she loved to teach,
the language that,
in her accent,
sounded so bright.

How much we miss her!

Suzanne who married life
until the border of intensity,
who lived every one
of her days,
as the only one.

Here we are...
listening to our voices
in a mixture
of tenderness and pain,
trying to find a way
to say goodbye,
the way Suzanne would like:

with joy but crying,
with hope and sadness,
with the ingredients
that made her
the extraordinary women
she was.