I'm the kind of person who likes to be by myself. To put a finer point on it, I'm the type of person who doesn't find it painful to be alone. I find spending an hour or two every day running alone, not speaking to anyone, as well as four or five hours alone at my desk, to be neither difficult not boring. I've had this tendency ever since I was young, when given a choice, I much prefer reading books on my own or concentrating on listening to music over being with someone else. I could always think to do things by myself.
The desire in me to be alone, hasn't change. Which is why the hour or so I spend running, maintaining my own silent, private time, is important to help me keep my mental well-being. When I'm running I don't have to talk to anybody and I don't have to listen to anybody. All I need to do is gaze at the scenery passing by. This is a part of my day I can't do without.
1 comentari:
...mmm.eso me pasa a mi, pero no solo corriendo. También nadando o cuando conduzco....
me gusta estar sola..y además creo que si no sabes estar solo no sabes estar con los demás...
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