Even if, seen from the outside or from som higher vantage point, this sort of life looks pointless or futile, or even extremely inefficient, it doesn't bother me. Maybe it's some pointless act like, as I've said before, pouring water into an old pan that has a hole in the bottom, but at least the effort you put into it, remains. Whether it's good for anything or not, cool or totally uncool, in the final analysis
what's most important is what you can't see but can feel in your heart. To be able to grasp something of value, sometimes you have to perform seemingly inefficient acts. But even activities that appear fruitless don't necessarily end up so. Tha's the feeling I have, as someone who's felt this, who's experienced it.
Long distance running (more or less, for better or worse) has molded me into the person I am today, and I'm hoping it will remain a part of my life as long as possible. I'll be happy if running and I can grow old together. There may not seem to be much logic to it, but it's the life I've chosen for myself.
"el més important no ho pots veure però ho pots sentir al cor"
"Per poder assolir alguna cosa de valor, de vegades cal posar en joc accions d'aparent ineficàcia"
"Còrrer llargues distàncies (més o menys, per bé o per mal) m'ha fet esdevenir la persona que sóc avui, i espero que romandrà part de la meva vida tant de temps com sigui possible"
"Seré feliç si el còrrer i jo podem envellir plegats"
3 comentaris:
Es decir, lo más importante es el viaje interior, ¿no?
M'encanta Murakami. Fins ara he llegit 'Tòquio blues', 'After dark' i 'Despietat país de les meravelles i la fi del món'. Aquest el tinc pendent. M'han dit que, tot i que parla de córrer --un esport que jo no practico--, està bé perquè són tot un seguir te reflexions personals.
Jo nedo. Saps què passa? Que quan em canso estic a 25 metres del vestidor! Ja ja ja. I quan corres, si no et planifiques bé, no saps on acabes.
Un petó, BELÉN.
Por fin tengo un momento para leer esto.
El otro día vi el libro en la Feria del libro..pero he decidido dejarlo para después de verano..ahora tengo mil en cola.
Voy a seguir leyendo.
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